Are you putting your residential guests at risk?

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If an emergency occurred in the middle of the night, are you able to quickly and accurately account for all your in-house guests? How will you know all occupants have exited the building? How would you direct emergency personnel to the correct location of a missing guest? Can you quickly and easily identify which rooms are occupied by guests who may be in need of assistance due to a physical limitation? 

If your current method of managing bedrooms does not allow you to accurately address any of the above questions, you are putting your venue and your guests at risk! 

To prevent this from happening, the answer is simple...

Treat your residential guests, the way you would be treated at a hotel. Assign them to a specific room and capture their contact and emergency details. If an emergency were to occur, you're then prepared to provide the emergency services with accurate information to help them during the high-pressure situation.

It's not just your residential guests that must be kept safe and well looked after. From food allergies to severe weather and medical issues, emergencies may also happen during events. Michigan Meetings and Events posted a blog providing tips on how to be prepared during an emergency situation. Here are a few of the key take-aways!

Collect important info

The American Camp Association recommends event leaders not only have the name of each participant, but also an emergency contact as well as a name and phone number of the individual’s physician or health care facility. With minors, the suggested information to have on hand increases.

Inform the guests

Have a list of emergency information ready to hand over to the group. Information such as the closest hospitals, a site map, how to direct emergency vehicles to a location and the venue’s emergency plan are good places to start. Inform group leaders of any processes you have for reporting incidents to venue staff.

Keep staff updated

Keep a folder containing important information of current on-site guest groups. This should include full participant registry lists (both overnight room assignments, as well as day participants), a list of emergency contacts, and notification procedures. Including the venue’s emergency plan is also good to help staff remember steps they must take to meet your standards for preceding and dealing with emergencies.

Having a safe and secure environment for your guests will not only improve their experience at your venue and put them at ease, but it'll also prevent your venue from bad press and improve your reputation should an emergency happen.


For more information, why not download the eBook below? Here we explore the elements of a one-stop-shop, and how safety and security fit into this.