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Your specialist PBSA partner

Exclusively prepared for Greystar and Student Roost

Why Kinetic?

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Ranked #1 on APUC
Part of the volaris group
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Over 350 great customers worldwide

We’re represented in 20 countries worldwide

We work with 19 PBSAs and over 80% of UK universities

25 years in business

Ranked #1 on the APUC framework ITS1051AP

Part of the Volaris Group

We manage over 180 Million bed nights per year

Trusted by:

Our Values


We are empowered to
make a difference


We evolve, so tomorrow is
better than today

Our Values


People are at the beating heart
of our Kinetic Community


Through continuous innovation, our
customers always get the best solution

Our Impact

Protect Nature

We inspire our community
to protect nature

Negative Carbon

We do business in a way that
creates a negative carbon impact

Our Impact

Sustainability 1st

We put sustainability 1st, giving more
meaning to working for Kinetic


We bring our community with us on
our journey of sustainability

Right Choices

We all play out part in making the
right choices for sustainability

Our Journey

We promise, it will be full of innovation, resolutions, problem-solving and other exciting things.

  • 1998

    The Kinetic journey began...

    The company started with the aim to make event management teams' lives easier and customer experiences more enjoyable. Today we still work with the same aim but look how far we come since 1998!

  • 2001

    Revolutionised event management

    We cleared paper-filled conference team desks and office filing cabinets with our conferencing management solution, KxConferencing.

  • 2002

    Relieved the catering departments

    We brought food to the table on time with our catering management solution, KxCatering.

  • 2003

    Changed the residential management

    We began the summer bedroom revolution with residential bedroom management, KxResidential.

  • 2004

    Reformed the way student accommodation ticks

    We freed A3 lever-arch files across the UK with purpose-built student accommodation management solution, KxStudent. Then took the student experience to the next level by introducing online applications portal instead of paper student applications. Hello new era!

  • 2005

    Did our bit for saving the environment!

    We started saving trees, replacing 40-page accommodation contracts with a simple online contracts process. Imagine how many trees been saved in the last 15 years!

  • 2006

    100th customer!

    Just 8 years since the beginning of the company, we celebrated our 100th customer! Another 13 years later, we now have over 350 customers worldwide.

  • 2008

    Took catering management to the next level

    We wetted the whistle of education staff and their visitors across the UK with our campus delivered catering online portal! More tea, Sir?

    We also started our global journey by launching our operation in USA. 

  • 2009

    It was a vintage year...

    We made orientation days and boring H&S presentations a thing of the past with our online induction process. We also ditched the 9-5 telesales process for non-student bedrooms with our direct booking portal - KxB&B. 

  • 2010

    Maximised student experience

    We kicked-off the year by making stressful arrivals days a thing of the past with mobile Arrivals Passes; saving parents and university staff across the world the anguish of traffic management and unnecessary queuing.

  • 2011

    Increased the efficiency of event managers

    We made finding space easier with online meeting room finder and availability checker.

  • 2012

    Fully stepped into logistics...

    As online shopping accelerated, ‘next-day’ deliveries remain next day and prevent accommodation offices becoming new storage solutions, courtesy of KxParcels.

  • 2013

    We became Gen Z-friendly

    The new generation has prepared for university and so do we with new online portals allowing students to make requests with KxRequests. Accommodation teams’ inboxes and painful reception experiences become a thing of the past. Wicked!

  • 2014

    It's not a "proposal", it's the solution

    The commercial competition intensifies but thanks to KxProposals business development teams stay one-step ahead with data-driven proposal generation and analytics. We also celebrated our 300th customer!

  • 2015

    Kinetic catapulted to the future

    We joined the Volaris Group, providing us with extra strength on the way to being the industry leader.

  • 2016

    Revolutionising things for commercial teams

    Kinetic saves universities thousands of hours in repetitive strain injury claims as BedBooker does the heavy lifting with a two-way live-interface with over 90 online travel agents.

    The desktop ball and chains are removed for commercial operation teams with KxMobile.

  • 2017

    Just in time for GDPR horror...

    Our superusers are armed in their quest for user happiness, engagement and data safety with KxArchiver. The phrase "being compliant" becomes a reality. 

  • 2018

    King of student accommodation

    We acquired Occam and expanded our student accommodation portfolio with a powerful tool, Room Service. Now we manage student accommodation for over 80% of universities in the UK and Ireland!

  • 2019

    We're moving to the cloud!

    We launched our brand-new and exciting cloud-based platform - Kinetic Pulse! So our move to the cloud has begun...

  • 2020

    What a year! On many levels...

    Rothamsted Enterprises became our first customer to join Kinetic Pulse, our brand new cloud-based platform. 

    Our student wellbeing management solution, Student Life, made a real difference to the student mental health crisis. 

  • 2021

    Our customers' customer's experience... Taken to the next level!

    We've revolutionised student payment management with the launch of KxPayments, including the first Open Banking solution for the higher education sector.

    We've then taken your customer's experience to the next level by delivering your customer-facing event booking portal, Customer Hub.

  • 2022

    Making major leaps to empower our customers for success

    We developed a brand new customer-centric team, Customer Success, with a focus on empowering our customers to gain maximum benefit from their Kx products and reach their desired business outcomes. To take our efforts one step further, we launched what became a very popular Free in-person product training at our Milton Keynes office. We also began our journey to becoming number #1 on the APUC framework.

    A major year indeed!