Pulse is Kinetic’s cloud platform...

On which our latest and most advanced solutions are based, including Conferencing and Customer Hub. From Pulse, you can run space management, booking and administration software any time, anywhere and on any device, with information synchronised and updated in real time. Unshackled from on-premise solutions, you can deliver better service to your customers, access up-to-date information on the move, and reduce the admin burden on staff and IT alike.

Why Pulse?

Anywhere, any-time access
Anywhere, any-time access

Pulse solutions are accessible on PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones, enabling always-on access to real-time information

high level security
High-level security

Pulse runs through a best-in-class cloud data centre with robust security, keeping your data and applications safe from every type of threat

Automatic updates
Continuous development

New solutions and upgrades are being added to Pulse all the time, so that you can make your space management and booking systems even better

faster deployment
Fast deployment

No on-premise infrastructure means we can get you up and running with Pulse solutions quickly

Continuous development
Accessible solutions

All solutions that run on Pulse meet WCAG 2.1 guidelines for accessibility, ensuring full and easy use for your staff and customers alike

Accessible solutions
Automatic updates

We always make sure you’re running on the latest versions of each solution that you deploy, so that you’re always able to use the newest innovations

Automatic scaling

Pulse monitors the demand on your solutions, and automatically scales cloud server resources up and down to perfectly meet your needs, all the time

Lower IT costs
Lower IT costs

Pulse reduces the admin commitment needed from your IT team, and doesn’t require expensive on-premise infrastructure like servers and data centres

Trusted by:

Frequently Asked Questions

The control is in your hands! Pulse is simple to setup, based in the cloud and accessible from any web browser. Because it's based in the cloud, it boasts the latest features and is protected with the latest security.

Simply fill in the form on this page an our team will be happy to discuss your Pulse journey


Pulse integrates with your existing Kx database, so your existing system runs seamlessly with your new cloud solutions.

Interested in Pulse?

Discover how Pulse can transform your space and booking management