Hosted Software

The complete hosting solution covering set-up, deployment and on-going maintenance.

Reliable, fast and secure; Our hosting offers an all-inclusive solution, freeing you from worrying about setup, maintenance and deployment.


Flexible Alternative

Enjoy all the benefits of a traditional private cloud, with the flexibility and scalability usually associated with hyper-scaling cloud platforms.

Conference Management Software

High Level Security

With CCTV surveillance systems, regular site patrols, proximity cards, mantraps, isolated virtual networks, and more, you can be assured that your data is secure.

Catering Management Software

Consistent Performance

To ensure that servers never slow down due to contention, there is no over-commit on resources, meaning high performance comes as standard.

Catering Management Software

Simple Migration

Our team will work closely with you to create a detailed migration plan and will review your requirements to ensure as little disruption as possible. 

Student Experience Software

Expert Support

Our support team will ensure that everything is working as expected and if any issues are identified, they'll work on an effective and rapid solution. 

Student Experince Software

Robust & Reliable

Running on Microsoft Azure, our cloud solution offers best of breed features; your service has the best security, connectivity and resilience. 

Questions? Ask away!

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Take a look at how our software works, what it's capable of and how it can help you and your team!

Speak with a specialist

Discuss your needs with a specialist and discover if we have any solutions that will help achieve your goals!

Easily manage and grow your student accommodation portfolio & conferencing operation with Kinetic's world-leading software